A New Approach to Astrology

Astrological Reports

Your Solar Revolution

This report is valid for one year and comprises 13 to 17 pages depending on your natal chart. Based on the Solar Return technique, it is also particularly interesting as a supplement to the essential Detailed 12 Month Forecast, the best report, or the Standard Forecast, with their interactive aspectarian.

The Solar Revolution report describes your global psychological climate from one birthday date to the next.

The Solar Revolution has innumerable keen supporters and provides an additional and very helpful perspective to the reports based on the transit technique.

It is more than a predictive method. Indeed, it is a comprehension tool, the purpose of which is to shed light on the way your personality evolves and to grasp opportunities which enables you to blossom, as well as to avoid life's pitfalls.

You have the possibility to choose the starting date of your twelve-month Forecast. It could be your last birthday or your fortcoming birthday, since both Solar Revolutions are available.

For this report, you will have to select two cities: the city of your birth, then, in the following form, the city where you were (or you will be) on your last (or next) birthday.

Immediate online delivery in your account and by email, round the clock.

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GBP 23.05
CAD 34.55

An Example of Solar Revolution

Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Solar Revolution
