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Fri. 31 Jan., 07:09 AM UT
Sun 11°39'   Aquarius
Moon  4°55'   Pisces
Mercury  5°13'   Aquarius
Venus 26°53'   Pisces
Mars 20°40'  Я Cancer
Jupiter 11°18'  Я Gemini
Saturn 17°21'   Pisces
Uranus 23°16'   Taurus
Neptune 27°57'   Pisces
Pluto  2°02'   Aquarius
Chiron 19°29'   Aries
True Node 28°12'  Я Pisces
True Lilith  1°59'  Я Libra
Horoscope for now
Moon Phase
Waxing Moon, 3.97%
New Moon
Wed. 12 Feb., 01:54 PM UT
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Celebrity Horoscopes / Name Starts with U

You will find below the horoscopes of the celebrities of our database whose name starts with the letter U.


Astrotheme offers one of the greatest astrology database in the world, with 71,752 horoscopes and interactive charts, excerpts of astrological portrait, and planetary dominants.

This public astrology database is made available to our visitors for free.

Astrology DataBase on January 30, 2025 at 7:14 PM, CEST
71,752 people and events, 35,438 of which with a known time of birth
Search by profession, aspect, position, category, date, or birthday
Horoscopes clicked on in real-time: 981,710,349 times

All these astrological charts can be accessed on these pages: just click on any name of your choice.

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] 
[O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [Other]
[9834]U Thant
[4681]Ubach Alanna
[11810]Ubaldi Pietro
[12297]Uçar Feyyaz
[12093]Uchida Yuki
[10344]Uchitel Rachel
[9211]Uchoa Alfredo
[21358]Uckermann Christopher
[9683]Udall Morris K.
[25290]Uderzo Albert
[9986]Udet Ernst
[6481]Udovicic Vanja
[10842]Ueberroth Peter
[8641]Ueberschlag Jean
[13564]Uecker Bob
[23456]Ueshiba Morihei
[6987]Uesugi Kenshin
[11456]Ueto Aya
[9903]Uga Elisa
[10403]Ugalde Unax
[9097]Ugarte Adriana
[285]Ugeux Jean-Benoît
[11420]Uggams Leslie
[1295]Ughetto Alexandre
[14087]Ughetto André
[1060]Ughetto Bastien
[11948]Ughi Uto
[3509]Ugur Özkan
[11309]Uhl Nadja
[3311]Uhland Ludwig
[2957]Uhlenbeck Karen
[10339]Uhlig Anneliese
[3837]Uhm Jung-hwa
[26141]Uhrinová Kristina
[2562]Uhse Beate
[5539]Uhse Janina
[9328]Ujlaki Joseph
[3617]Ulanova Galina
[452]Ulbricht Lotte
[6456]Ulbricht Ross
[10267]Ulbricht Walter
[8702]Ulfeldt Leonora Christina
[10420]Ulihrach Bohdan
[33885]Ulla (spokesman of prostitutes)
[1106]Ullal Sneha
[8947]Ullate Victor
[14453]Ullerup Emilie
[85887]Ulliel Gaspard
[9355]Ulliel Lisa
[6295]Ullman Norm
[29693]Ullman Ricky
[25893]Ullman Tracey
[647]Ullmann Bernard
[1134]Ullmann Kostja
[1646]Ullmann Lisa
[27135]Ullmann Liv
[651]Ullmann Regina
[3264]Ulloa Tristán
[16809]Ullrich Jan
[10239]Ulm Charles
[9126]Ulmen Christian
[10533]Ulmer Georges
[310]Ulric Lenore
[11632]Ulrich Jennifer
[49989]Ulrich Lars
[8629]Ulrich Laurent
[8726]Ulrich Maurice
[38080]Ulrich Skeet
[12570]Último Dragón
[17332]Ultra Naté
[11059]Ultra Violet (French artist)
[1680]Ulukaya Hamdi
[31855]Ulusoy Cagatay
[43683]Ulvaeus Björn
[2620]Ulyanova Anna
[10151]Umaga Tana
[2801]Umana Cristina
[7208]Umbers Mark
[8953]Umberto I of Italy
[11812]Umberto II of Italy
[9485]Umeki Miyoshi
[10089]Umgelter Albert
[1027]Umhauer Ernst
[223]Umi (singer)
[10812]Umtiti Samuel
[19158]Underwood Blair
[91820]Underwood Carrie
[15775]Underwood Colton
[12295]Underwood Katie
[11029]Underwood Matthew
[9181]Underwood Ron
[311]Underwood Ruth
[14417]Underwood Sara Jean
[354]Underwood Tom
[9557]Undset Sigrid
[6439]Unga Jordis
[6582]Ungaretti Giuseppe
[14031]Ungaro Emanuel
[9928]Unger Billy
[16972]Unger Deborah Kara
[3874]Unger Eric
[242]Unger Erich
[16391]Ungerer Tomi
[7881]Ungureanu Mihai Razvan
[73213]Union Gabrielle
[10099]Unitas Johnny
[41983]United Arab Emirates
[109570]United Kingdom
[23609]United Nations (UN)
[45730]United States Constitution
[190101]United States Declaration of Independence
[793]United States Horoscope
[8360]Unkrich Lee
[7598]Unna Paul Gerson
[9127]Unruh Howard
[9580]Unruh Jesse
[9497]Unseld Wes
[11673]Unser Al
[8555]Unser Bobby
[5148]Unsho Ishizuka
[2352]Upamecano Dayot
[8091]Upchurch Phil
[4225]Upcott Edward
[18748]Updike John
[860]Upits Andrejs
[4182]Uppal Vikas
[6326]Upton B. J.
[12928]Upton Caitlin
[83020]Upton Kate
[8789]Upward Edward
[183]Urach Andressa
[6041]Urán Rigoberto
[10530]Urbain Georges
[11096]Urban Hubert Josef
[42806]Urban Karl
[87116]Urban Keith
[7872]Urban (American Idol) Tim
[537]Urbani Carlo
[1135]Urbaniak James
[702]Urbanowska Zofia
[7536]Urbanski Douglas
[9126]Urbanus (artist)
[1031]Urbina Melania
[7054]Urbina Ugueth
[665]Urdangarin y Borbón Juan
[12208]Ure Mary
[17450]Ure Midge
[2347]Urgan Mina
[2578]Urgell Modest
[9251]Uri Pierre
[16236]Uria-Monzon Béatrice
[631]Uriarte Maximilian
[14615]Uribe Alvaro
[892]Uribe Cenaida
[6712]Uribe Juan
[15688]Uribe Julio César
[7455]Uribe Manuel
[17850]Urich Robert
[85667]Urie Brendon
[111]Urie Michael
[10171]Urine Jimmy
[3576]Urios Christophe
[9201]Uris Leon
[1153]Urla Joe
[8752]Urlacher Brian
[9864]Urlaub Farin
[10155]Urmanov Alexei
[9055]Urquhart Jane
[10149]Urquhart Robert
[1222]Urquidez Benny
[3709]Urrejola Fernanda
[1265]Urrutia María Isabel
[8746]Urruty Jean
[19272]Ursull Joëlle
[10888]Urszuly Suzanna
[8886]Urusemal Joseph
[771]Urvina Hermelinda
[7567]Urvoas Jean-Jacques
[1109]Ury Else
[576]Urzendowsky Sebastian
[8917]Urzi Daniela
[10232]Urzi Saro
[3208]Usaki Latife
[13360]Usher Cleo
[8124]Usher David
[8126]Usher Jessie
[131536]Usher (entertainer)
[11637]Ushkowitz Jenna
[1246]Usic Senna
[508]Uslar Pietri Arturo
[7304]Usman Alessandra
[6953]Usman Kamaru
[1414]Uspenskaya Lyubov
[20542]Ustinov Peter
[315]Ustinova Svetlana
[9681]Uston Ken
[1615]Ustvolskaya Galina
[16008]Usui Mikao
[10603]Usyk Oleksandr
[9760]Utaka John
[1761]Utgoff Alec
[3047]Uthaug Roar
[1174]Utiasheva Lyasan
[1095]Utkin Dmitry
[8497]Utley Chase
[8220]Utley Garrick
[24572]Utrecht (Netherlands)
[21948]Utrillo Maurice
[13353]Utzon Jorn
[9536]Uwais Iko
[12452]Uygur Cenk
[2433]Uygur Nejat
[150]Uys Helga
[8042]Uys Pieter-Dirk
[5547]Uzan Cem
[21495]Uzerli Meryem
[2199]Uzuner Buket