A New Approach to Astrology
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Fri. 28 Feb., 06:39 PM UT
Sun 10°25'   Pisces
Moon 20°38'   Pisces
Mercury 25°55'   Pisces
Venus 10°48'   Aries
Mars 17°09'   Cancer
Jupiter 12°15'   Gemini
Saturn 20°40'   Pisces
Uranus 23°38'   Taurus
Neptune 28°53'   Pisces
Pluto  2°53'   Aquarius
Chiron 20°36'   Aries
True Node 27°24'  Я Pisces
True Lilith  8°56'  Я Libra
Horoscope for now
Moon Phase
Waxing Moon, 0.82%
New Moon
Fri. 14 Mar., 06:55 AM UT
Celebrity Search

Love Test: Astrological Compatibility With Celebrities

With this free Love Test, find among 72,096 celebrities those with whom you have strong affinities, be it on the conjugal, sensual, affective, emotional, erotic, intuitive, or physical plane. The Love Test also deals with the way you may idealize your partner, and covers karmic aspects.

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This application uses 24 powerful criteria. Kindly note that it does not replace our affinity calculator because, although a couple has excellent assets from a conjugal viewpoint, if the remainder of their natal charts does not clearly point towards harmony, the relationship may not be a perfect one. However, it remains a valuable piece of information.

A good method consists in using the Love Test and the Celestar simultaneously, so as to find partners who are strongly compatible according to several criteria, and who have satisfactory compatibility rates. Here are a few pieces of advice so as to make the most of this Love Test.

The exactitude - the orb - is adjustable. Please bear in mind that if you select a wider orb, you will get more results. At the end of the test, we advise that you compute the compatibility rate for the celebrities you have selected. Those criteria, along with high compatibility rates, are the guarantee that your affinities are powerful.
