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Celebrities Height: 7' 7"

34,073 celebrities heights are in our database on January 4, 2025: you will find on these pages the most important database of celebrity heights, with excerpts of astrological portrait, biographies, photos, personalized horoscopes and graphics.


The celebrities 7' 7" tall are listed here, sorted by decreasing popularity. The popularity is the real time consultation statistics by our users for each celebrity on Astrotheme.

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Astrology DataBase on January 4, 2025 at 3:12 PM, CEST
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3 celebrities 7' 7" tall have been found.

Born:Monday, January 31, 1966
In:Formosa (Argentina)
Sun: 11°18' Aquarius  
Moon:2°57' Gemini   
Dominants: Aquarius, Gemini, Pisces
Uranus, Pluto, Saturn
Air, Water / Mutable
Chinese Astrology: Fire Horse
Numerology: Birth Path 9
Height: Jorge González (wrestler) is 7' 7" (2m31) tall
Pageviews: 27,194
Biography of Jorge González (wrestler) (excerpt)

Jorge González (born January 31, 1966 in Formosa, Argentina) is a former basketball player and professional wrestler who competed in the World Wrestling Federation in the early 1990s under the ring name, Giant González. Billed height 7 ft 7 in (2.31 m)

Born:Tuesday, October 16, 1962
In:Gogrial (Sudan)
Sun: 22°34' Libra  
Moon:3°08' Gemini   
Dominants: Libra, Gemini, Scorpio
Moon, Saturn, Jupiter
Air, Water / Mutable
Chinese Astrology: Water Tiger
Numerology: Birth Path 8
Height: Manute Bol is 7' 7" (2m31) tall
Pageviews: 15,298
Biography of Manute Bol (excerpt)

Manute Bol (October 16, 1962 – June 19, 2010) was a Sudanese-born American basketball player and political activist. Listed at 7 ft 7 in (2.31 m) tall, he was the tallest player in the history of the National Basketball Association, along with Gheorghe Mureșan.

Author: Keith Allison from Hanover, MD, USA
Credits: Gheorghe Muresan
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Sunday, February 14, 1971
In:Triteni (Romania)
Sun: 25°04' Aquarius  
Moon:9°26' Libra   
Dominants: Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius
Uranus, Jupiter, Moon
Air, Fire / Cardinal
Chinese Astrology: Metal Pig
Numerology: Birth Path 7
Height: Gheorghe Muresan is 7' 7" (2m31) tall
Pageviews: 12,269
Biography of Gheorghe Muresan (excerpt)

Gheorghe Dumitru Mureşan, also known as Ghiță (IPA: ) and "George", (born February 14, 1971 in Triteni, Romania) is a retired Romanian professional basketball player. At 7 ft 7 in (2.31 m), he is the tallest man to ever play in the NBA, standing a few millimeters taller than Sudanese player Manute Bol.

Taller than 5' 10"

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