A New Approach to Astrology
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Wed. 15 Jan., 05:07 AM UT
Sun 25°18'   Capricorn
Moon 10°57'   Leo
Mercury  9°54'   Capricorn
Venus 12°23'   Pisces
Mars 26°34'  Я Cancer
Jupiter 11°58'  Я Gemini
Saturn 15°44'   Pisces
Uranus 23°22'  Я Taurus
Neptune 27°33'   Pisces
Pluto  1°31'   Aquarius
Chiron 19°08'   Aries
True Node 29°24'  Я Pisces
True Lilith  7°45'  Я Scorpio
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Waning Moon, 98.22%
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Wed. 29 Jan., 12:37 PM UT
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Calculate Your Composite Chart

Calculate your composite chart and display it with your favourite options along with the detailed listing of positions and aspects. The composite chart is a quite recent synastry technique which emerged in the early '70s. Ronald Davison and Robert Hand are among the astrologers who contributed to broaden its use for the assessment of the level of compatibility between two charts.

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The technique consists in calculating the mid-point of pairs of planets, angles, and foci of the partners' natal charts.

This technique, as well as that of the mid-space mid-time chart, must be taken with caution since its reliability has not been established yet, contrary to the traditional Compatibility Report which is based on the comparison between two natal charts and the analysis of their inter-aspects.

A composite chart should be read similarly to a natal chart, but with the difference that planets, angles, and houses only are considered. Signs are not relevant. The angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) are the most important ones and, for a couple, it is a better omen when planets are posited in these houses. The 5th and 11th houses are favourable for the blossoming of the relationship, and the 2nd and 8th houses, for sexuality and emotions. The 6th - 12th houses axis is a bit trickier. Aspects are interpreted in the same way as with the natal chart, bearing in mind that they define the relationship and not an individual. The usually accepted orbs are the same as those used in the natal chart.

The advantage of the composite chart is that it shows the dynamics of the relationship in a quick and simple manner, almost at a glance. It always sheds additional and interesting light to the classical synastry technique of charts comparison.
