As indicated by the stars, once in the arena, French actor Omar Sy is a formidable extroverted seducer who remains nevertheless quite different in private, because his family is of utmost importance.
He was born with the Sun in the last degree of Capricorn, and conjunct Venus. He is quite influenced by this winter sign which gives him the will to climb the social ladder. This very tight Sun-Venus conjunction is referred to as "combust", meaning that Venus is hampered by the Sun. Again, Sy wants to shine. Since the 4th House is involved, the House of family and roots, particularly, this is where he feels comfortable, while striving to shine in order to show his gratitude to the circle he comes from. Indeed, he was born in the municipality of Trappes, near Paris. This not too easy environment fits the Sun-Venus in Capricorn backdrop, although it is compensated by a great deal of love.
Omar Sy's parents come from Black Africa, and are of very modest origin. He has seven siblings who deeply love him, according to various testimonies. He is also admired by his mother, but not overprotected, Capricorn being a sign which is not inclined to demonstrations of affection. But deep down, the actor probably craved to discover a wider world. To reach this objective, it is most likely that he used his strength of conviction, with Mars just entering Leo and on the Midheaven (vocation) in quite tight opposition to the above-mentioned conjunction in Capricorn. There it is, the need to shine, the willingness to be centre stage, at any rate. With the red planet in Leo, a Fire sign, Omar Sy was undoubtedly torn between two contradictory urges: fame and family.
Furthermore, the Venus-Mars polarity endows him with special and strong attractive abilities. Let us keep in mind that Venus rules the Ascendant in Libra, which translates into a highly sociable personality, wishing to reach out to people. Here again, his way of being is nuanced by the presence of a very mighty Pluto near the Ascendant axis. This implies power, magnetism, but also the taste for provocation, which we find in his "SAV" (After-sales service) sketches on Canal+, the TV programme which earned him success when he started his career. The same qualities are also obvious in "The Intouchables", the film which reached almost twenty million spectators. Its theme corresponds to the Libra Ascendant and to the way Pluto influences it. It is necessary to think of several lines of this film, more mischievous than cynical, to understand how it worked on his personality: "No arms, no chocolate", he said to the aristocrat who hired him, and who asked him to give him a candy. An excellent example of black humour which might be considered tough, had the character of Omar Sy not ended up with such a spontaneous burst of laughter which prevailed over everything. Actually, he was doing his boss a service by shaking him...
As far as clownish jokes are concerned, the actor can also rely on his Moon in Gemini, which prompts him to constantly make the most silly schoolboy pranks, with a real sense of lightness. He never hesitated to play the most cranky characters, or the most ridiculous ones in "SAV", such as Doudou, Jean Blogin, the humorist expert in rubbish gibes, Patafoin, specialised in education, who, disguised as a yellow Teletubbie, deals with children, Hamidou, a journalist and specialist in half-assed exclusivities, in short, a whole gamut of personages bearing the Gemini touch. In addition, his Moon sends a powerful trine to Pluto on the Ascendant, confirming that this dash of causticity which involves two Air signs is fortunate.
It is impossible to complete this brief portrait without noting a very rare configuration in the natal chart. The gorgeous Yod, also referred to as "The finger of God", formed by Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun-Venus conjunction. The Jupiter-Saturn sextile, which represents both success as well as good and lasting social insertion, impacts the Sun-Venus target with its strong energy. Omar Sy's personality, made of willpower and seduction, naturally reinforced by the Yod, was probably meant for exceptional social achievements.
Omar Sy

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Omar Sy.
Looking at the transits, we think that he may be slightly challenged in the beginning of 2014 by the cardinal Grand Cross, since Capricorn and Libra are emphasised in the natal chart, even though tensions do not exactly fall on his sensitive spots. At that moment, Jupiter will be completing his transit in Cancer, and therefore Sy's Midheaven (June-July), and will enter Leo. This visit in the House of career takes place on natal Mars. However, in the fall of 2014, transiting Mars will be in Scorpio, in harsh aspect with this part of the natal chart.
In the more distant future, Sy ought to be mindful in 2020 when Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto transit the last decanate of Capricorn. Then, there will be nice opportunities to get the financial dividends of his celebrity.
Sun 29°33' Capricorn, in House IV
Moon 12°06' Gemini, in House VIII
Mercury 7°30' Capricorn, in House III
Venus 29°01' Capricorn, in House IV
Mars 2°26' Я Leo, in House X
Jupiter 27°39' Я Gemini, in House IX
Saturn 29°11' Я Leo, in House XI
Uranus 15°59' Scorpio, in House II
Neptune 17°22' Sagittarius, in House III
Pluto 16°42' Я Libra, in House I
North Node 8°50' Я Libra, in House XII
Lilith 23°47' Gemini, in House IX
Fortune 5°28' Gemini, in House VIII
Vertex 10°50' Taurus, in House VII
East Point 26°41' Libra, in House I
Ascendant 18°01' Libra
House II 14°21' Scorpio
House III 16°24' Sagittarius
House IV 22°56' Capricorn
House V 27°23' Aquarius
House VI 25°42' Pisces
House VII 18°01' Aries
House VIII 14°21' Taurus
House IX 16°24' Gemini
Midheaven 22°56' Cancer
House XI 27°23' Leo
House XII 25°42' Virgo
Ascendant 18°01' Libra
Midheaven 22°56' Cancer
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved