Aries, Aries rising, Mars dominant, or strong 1st House
You are blessed with a strong constitution, and you seldom listen to your body. You usually have well-developed muscles, and you know that you can rely on your strength. The only drawback is that you may spread yourself too thin and get exhausted. Given the large amount of energy you expend, you have no overweight worries, most of the time.

However, since you can't be bothered with complicated considerations, you may overeat, or you may disregard food quality. In order to regain both your good shape and your tonic body, opt for a short but intelligently tailored regimen. No diet, but a good dosage of proteins. Rather a carnivore, indulge in red meat. You may sometimes replace it with eggs, since proteins are important for your muscles.
Quickly prepared raw vegetables are appealing to you because of their vitamins supply. A good trick is to add thyme and ginseng in your dishes in order to struggle against your weak point, i.e. inflammatory diseases. As far as spices are concerned, cinnamon and chilli also suit your burning temperament.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aries, Aries rising, or Mars dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 1st House.
Taurus, Taurus rising, Venus dominant, or strong 2nd House
Nature is usually lenient with you. You are resistant and hardy, with an active though rather slow metabolism. Like the other Earth signs, you are bilious. Therefore, you ought to be careful not to brood over negative feelings, because this might translate into a few extra kilos gained, or digestion issues. Your hormones may also cause you problems, for you are ruled by Venus...

In the waistline department, your solid build requires a healthy diet, and it would be unwise to aim at leanness. Your food intake must enable you to cope, because you need reserves of energy. Besides, suitable regimens must absolutely take your natural love of good food into consideration so that you can stand them in the long run.
Remain simple and natural. Count on wholegrain cereals, including the most unusual ones like bulgur and quinoa. You must reduce as much as possible rapid sugars, because they are harmful. Fenugreek, a spice appreciated by the Chinese, is also excellent for stimulating the pancreas.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Taurus, Taurus rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 2nd House.
Gemini, Gemini rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 3rd House
You are nervous and quick. Your best asset is your faculty of adaptation, which also applies to your environment. In addition, you are clever, and your lifestyle prompts you to move about. Breathing is an essential function, because your bronchial tubes are your weak spot. Your figure often arouses envy, and your slender joints do not predispose to overweight.

Regarding dietetics, you are curious and knowledgeable. Therefore, you know how to gather information about the characteristics of a given diet, and nobody is likely to fool you! You are not too interested in cooking. You must be careful not to fall into the traps of fast food or ready-made meals. In order to be on top form and to enhance your figure, draw on the last fashionable diets, which you always find tempting, but use only their tips. For instance, divide your meals in order not to remain with an empty stomach for too long.
You should also opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, carpaccios and white fishes, quickly prepared. Your secret weapon is rosemary, very good for your respiratory system, which will enable you to relax.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Gemini, Gemini rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 3rd House.
Cancer, Cancer rising, the Moon dominant, or strong 4th House
Your nonchalant nature may give the impression that you are sparing your efforts. Actually, you are ruled by emotions, which may bring about anxiety or stress. As soon as this occurs, your digestive system calls you to order. Therefore, just for the sake of remaining in good shape, it is preferable to pay attention to what you eat, and to have your meals at set times.

In the waistline department, it is the stomach that is the centre of attention. In order to control aerophagia, or bloated feelings, you must reduce raw vegetables as well as food which ferment in the stomach, but also carbonated beverages. Take the time to chew properly. You will also benefit from a diet based on fish. Artichoke, fennel, and avocado are also very good for you.
You are not too fond of meat, which may disgust you. Should this case occur, learn to get another source of proteins. You must above all control your cravings for sweets and all regressive food, your soft spot. Finally, as far as spices are concerned, once again, pay attention to your digestion, and don't forget that caraway and coriander are excellent friends.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Cancer, Cancer rising, or the Moon dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 4th House.
Leo, Leo rising, the Sun dominant, or strong 5th House
Owing to your proud style, people think that illnesses never get a hold on you. You are often active, and like all Fire signs, health is synonymous with slimness. However, you must be careful of possible hypertension risks, since the heart is the organ to be watched over. Thus, you should not indulge in caviar-champagne menus the whole year through! Luckily, since you pay utmost attention to your look, you know how to put things right.

It is obvious that you tend to grasp advice given by stars or by other Hollywood gurus, and to make them your own. In a more reasonable way, it is recommended to make small and simple changes: use cold pressure oils, especially olive oil, which recalls summer. Besides, the Cretan diet is meant for you, as well as iron rich food.
Enhance your dishes with saffron, a spice which is so precious that it is dubbed the red gold, perfect for your metabolism. You are fond of grilled meat, so, take advantage of the summer and enjoy yourself without restraint, but prefer marinades, because they are lighter than sauces.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Leo, Leo rising, or the Sun dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 5th House.
Virgo, Virgo rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 6th House
What should you do to maintain your health? This nagging question is overwhelming, and you are the type of person who would avidly read books on dietetics, or even write one! You know by heart the nutrients and the calories of foodstuffs, as well as their good and bad associations. In a word, many of you won't learn much here. The others may be interested in knowing that your sign makes you prone to nervousness and to irritable bowel syndrome.

In the waistline department, you are often slim, or even thin. However, you are the first one to be tempted to impose a diet on yourself, would it be only to test your sense of discipline. So, the best thing is probably to follow your temperament. Stick to healthy habits, and eat at fixed hours. You are able to reduce your portions without much effort. And for the sake of perfection, you can try to eat the famous ten fruits and vegetables per day.
Since Virgo is associated with harvests, and figuratively, with savings, it is good to consume products of the earth, if possible cultivated by organic farmers. Curcuma may give an exotic touch to your dishes and in addition, offer its specific properties.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Virgo, Virgo rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 6th House.
Libra, Libra rising, Venus dominant, or strong 7th House
Vitality is not obvious in you at first sight, because you may be nonchalant or cerebral. Of course, pure Venusians are slim, and the harmony they radiate seems to indicate that all is well. Nevertheless, you must pay attention to your kidneys. You are also affected by situations of crisis, because when you don't feel mentally comfortable, your body suffers.

In any case, you are always conscious for your waistline, prompted by the will to be attractive. Therefore, don't fall in the traps of the latest fashionable diets, particularly if you learn that they may bring about nutritional deficiency. Be reasonable, and control your social consumption: petits fours at cocktail-parties, and glasses of Champagne anytime.
Think of fibres, which are helpful for increasing stamina. Fruits and vegetables are important sources of potassium for the kidneys. Mint and pepper will add a sublime touch to your dishes. In order to control your intakes, emphasise the presentation, and serve small portions, as if you were playing at tea-parties.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Libra, Libra rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 7th House.
Scorpio, Scorpio rising, Pluto dominant, or strong 8th House
Confess that you sometimes frighten your entourage because you are so extreme, passionate, and rash! As a result, you may endanger your health. Luckily, nature has made you a latent phoenix, and you are able to go through nearly anything. Nevertheless, it would be wise to get rid of a tendency to disregard terrestrial foods, which you deem too plain and not mysterious enough.

At times, you even forget to eat, or you eat anything. If you are struck by the idea to go on a diet, you choose outright the most exacting or the weirdest ones. Of course, you belong to the type of persons who can lose weight in record time, just to shut people up. But once again, be careful not to go too far.
Don't hesitate to eat energetic food, strong in taste, which can be spiced up with condiments. Count on pumpkin seed oil or evening primrose oil to remedy your soft spots, i.e. constipation or anything related to sexual organs.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Scorpio, Scorpio rising, or Pluto dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 8th House.
Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, Jupiter dominant, or strong 9th House
You are a bon viveur, and like God presiding over a banquet, you eat as you breathe (or the reverse). It's powerful, tonic, and phenomenal. Might as well say that, if a sign ever embodies health, it's yours. Of course, over-indulgence is on your programme, because you want to do as you please. Besides, who would dare to mention diet? The only idea of it makes you run away at top speed!

However, you happen to experience bouts of awareness, and then you decide to restrain yourself, with the view to avoiding, some day, too drastic measures in order to get rid of your skin folds. Why wouldn't you take the best of what the gastronomy of various countries has to offer, since you are a big traveller, curious about everything? Sushis and algae from Japan, raita from India, Yassa chicken from Senegal. You can have a real treat if you adapt them at home with a dash of astuteness.
Besides, you know very quickly which spice to choose in order to balance the cream, the salt, or the sugar which are not too good for your arteries! Wine remains your great tempter. Therefore, prefer quality to quantity.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, or Jupiter dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 9th House.
Capricorn, Capricorn rising, Saturn dominant, or strong 10th House
Thanks to Saturn's influence, you are particularly reasonable in terms of food consumption. Since early childhood, you were restrained, sober, and uninterested in weird experiences, for you prefer simplicity.

You seem to be instinctively training for a marathon, and you are attracted to healthy food, even though it's neither bright nor colourful. Therefore, your health is a wonderful asset, indeed! As a typical Capricorn, you remain slim, which reflects the fact that you keep nature under your control. On the other hand, you may be prone to some sort of bone fragility, which can be alleviated with proper eating habits.
To begin with, have enough dairy products, as well as phosphor and calcium. Since you avoid sunrays, you must be careful of vitamin D deficiency, which may be harmful in the long run. Since you are a winter sign, think of sprouting seeds, forgotten vegetables, and slow-cooked dishes. All soups, cold and hot, are excellent and bring you lots of mineral salts and vitamins.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Capricorn, Capricorn rising, or Saturn dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 10th House.
Aquarius, Aquarius rising, Uranus dominant, or strong 11th House
You readily describe yourself as a spiritual being above all, open to other people. As a result, you run the risk of neglecting yourself, regarding both your health and your habits. When you are involved in encounters or in idealistic causes, you eat whatever is available.

What a mistake! Your body sometimes calls you to order and demands your attention. Take advantage of it, and experience nutrition and diets as if they were a new game. Your reknown aloofness may prove beneficial and may enable you to consider your own body as a field of experimentation. Having said this, it is necessary to underline that you must not follow spuriously efficient diets, and that you ought to listen to your scientific good sense.
Venous circulation is important for Aquarius. Don't hesitate to add ginger, spices and herbs. Detox plans are meant for you! Stick to them if you want to make an effort to improve your health and your waistline. Your astrological profile also helps you limit your consumption of meat, carbonated beverages, and alcohol.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aquarius, Aquarius rising, or Uranus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 11th House.
Pisces, Pisces rising, Neptune dominant, or strong 12th House
You are sensitive, not always in touch with the real world, and sometimes, you don't have an acute consciousness of your body. Your metabolism is often slow, and you ought to watch your health since it is ruled by your psyche. Luckily, your intuition endows you with healing abilities. Therefore, you guess instinctively what is good for you and how to use food as a medicine.

In terms of nutrition, you indulge your cravings, and this also applies to diets. You are fond of seafood and fishes, of course, and you prepare them wonderfully well, as simply as possible. But you also appreciate products full of water and vitamins such as cucumbers and honeydew melons.
Along the same line of thought, since you may be lazy at times, you should occasionally go on a diet based on smoothies, with strong detox effects, which can be rapidly prepared. Lastly, citrus fruits could be a pleasant way to enhance your dishes.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Pisces, Pisces rising, or Neptune dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 12th House.